Running Scared: Observations of a Former Republican
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"Losing my faith in humanity ... one neocon at a time."

Sunday, October 31, 2004

How can they say this stuff??????

posted by Ron Beasley at 10/31/2004 07:09:00 PM


In 2000 the Portland Oregonian endorsed George W. Bush. In 2004 the Oregonian became one of the many papers that found it necessary to change horses and endorse John Kerry. I'm sure there was at least one dissenting voice in that decision, the Oregonian's own Bush shill, David Reinhard. In his op-ed today he tries to tell us why in this time of war we should vote for George Bush. I have read Reinhard for years and in fact have usually found myself in complete disagreement with him but today's column was just too much. I will pick out a few of the most absurd points he tries to make.
Bush has conducted himself through all this with consistency, persistence and courage. He's shown the hard virtues required of a war president and endured the abuse of the nation's smart set, the media and Hollywood glamoratti, with humility and grace.
Years ago, I worked for Ronald Reagan as a low-level political appointee, and I'm more proud of that fact with each passing year. But George Bush? Yes, I know so many people have an unbecoming hatred of the man, but I love the guy. This president has become a profile in Christian character.
He faces a man without two essentials in this time of war -- a strategy to win the war and, well, honor.
Let's take a look at this.
"Bush has conducted himself through all this with consistency, persistence and courage."So when is it a plus to be consistent and persistent when you're wrong and how is it courageous when you can't admit you were wrong?
"This president has become a profile in Christian Character". Excuse me, unlike many Christians I have actually read the Bible and the words of Christ. I don't think that Christ would look kindly on a man who needlessly sends over a 1000 Americans to their death in a war that is all about empire building; and let's not forget the 50-100 thousands of Iraqis who have died. There is evidence that Bush is losing support among the right wing Christian base.
"He faces a man [Kerry] without two essentials in this time of war -- a strategy to win the war and, well, honor." I guess Reinhard doesn't even read his own paper. Bush's strategy thus far has been to lose two wars through sheer incompetence, alienate the rest of the world at a time that we really need friends and become the greatest recruiting aide that al-Qaeda could have asked for. As for his comment that Kerry has no honor, that doesn't even deserve a rebuttal.
Reinhard hard has shown himself for what he is, a third rate David Brooks from the backwoods of Oregon. If you are truly into self abuse you can read the entire column here
Shamelessly cross posted at Middle Earth Journal
(edited only for minor spelling-Georg)